Learning Beyond - Events
Kids have some difficulty focusing. Focus is very important to student's success and future. If your child has is pretty average when it comes to focus, they can still benefit from taking part in focus activities. Here are some ideas for focus activities which have shown to be successful. Building Activities, Timed Activities, Quiet Time Activities, Sequencing Activities, Puzzle Games, Memory Games.
We Holding sports competitions will aid in increasing the physical and mental ability of children. There are also other handy benefits that can come as a result of this such as:
The children will become multi-talented.
It promotes team building, management and leadership skills.
They learn to be more focused and disciplined.
They might also find their passion at an early age that can be carried forward into later life.
They understand what sportsmanship is all about./p>
The Annual Day celebration is an integral part of our school and is something the students love of course. This is an important event that celebrates the beginning of a new year and the bidding farewell to the previous academic year in a celebration of felicitation, feast and festivity.
Our school celebrates this wonderful event to showcase its achievements. Undoubtedly it is one of the most anxiously awaited events for our student.
"Field Trips Are Powerful Learning Experiences". We conduct field trip in every academic year. Where kids are enjoy, realize and make memories etc.
we are providing to students participation in roller skating a curriculum activity, including skills development, training and competitions.
we make practicing karate, where students to make confident and they become automatically more talent. we make practice them in a way that they will be useful at any time, and to teach them in a way that they will be useful in a all things.
We know that yoga can help counter pressures. When children learn techniques for self-health, relaxation, and inner fulfillment, they can navigate life's challenges with a little more ease. Yoga at an early age encourages self-esteem and body awareness with a physical activity that’s noncompetitive. Fostering cooperation and compassion-instead of opposition-yoga is a great gift to give our children.so we provide yoga for our kids.
Bhajans are songs sung to show our gratitude and love for God. Singing or listening to devotional songs removes all negativity in one's mind and fills one's heart with joy, peace and contentment.
We teach foundational skills or concepts in a way that allows students to use their individual preferred genres of music as the subject of study.